Persona use design tokens to collaborate between UI/UX designers and engineers. Design token is a way to manage user interface data such as color, spacing, shadow, etc. by storing it in a variable. The goal is to build a cross platform user interface.
Colors Tokens
token-namefigma-style-namehexColors Semantics
In the development process, to maintain consistency, everything related to color must use color semantics. Because semantic colors are very easy to maintain. If at any time the parent-color-token of the semantic color changes, there is no need to change the code that has been written.
Mostly used on logo and button cta
Mostly used on text and icons.
This semantic can be written to the tailwind class with the format: text-{semantic-foreground-name}
. Example: text-default
. And for the dark-mode version can be written as: text-dark-{semantic-foreground-name}
. Example text-dark-default
Mostly used on cards or overlay.
Semantic background can be written to the tailwind class with the format: bg-{semantic-background-name}
. Example: bg-default
. And for the dark-mode version can be written as: bg-dark-{semantic-background-name}
. Example bg-dark-default
Mostly used on cards and form OR as divider beetween section such as data table.
This semantic can be written to the tailwind class with the format: border-{semantic-border-name}
. Example: border-default
. And for the dark-mode version can be written as: border-dark-{semantic-border-name}
. Example border-dark-default